Due Dates
We are CLOSED!!
Tappan-Spaulding Memorial Library will be closed until further notice. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
All of the items checked out have had their due RESET to 5/2/2020. You will not be charged any over due fines!!

Ebooks and audiobooks: https://
Digital magazines: https://www.rbdigital.com/
Other digital resources: https://www.flls.org/
Our next Lego Club is Wednesday, March 4th!
Come joins us for STEAM Night!
Third Wednesday of the Month.
6:30 PM
Noble Room
Enjoy learning and creating S.T.E.A.M. – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math inspired projects with Melissa from the Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H Club.
All are welcome!
Library Board Meetings
Library board meetings are at 3:30 PM the third Monday of the month. Library board meetings are open to the public.
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month for Lego Club. We provide the Lego’s, and have a new theme to challenge you to create something new. Lego Club is held in the Noble Room from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Afterward bring you creation back to the library to display on the windowsill. We have a nice selection of Lego books to check out while you visit.